553-you are trying to use me [server-15.tower-188.messagelab 553-s.com] as a relay
2016/10/18 11:08:22 点击:
553-you are trying to use me [server-15.tower-188.messagelab
553-s.com] as a relay, but I have not been configured to
553-let you [xx.xx.xx.xx, xx.xx.net] do this.
553-Please visit www.symanteccloud.com/troubleshooting for
553-more details about this error message and instructions
553-s.com] as a relay, but I have not been configured to
553-let you [xx.xx.xx.xx, xx.xx.net] do this.
553-Please visit www.symanteccloud.com/troubleshooting for
553-more details about this error message and instructions
553 to resolve this issue. (#5.7.1)
退信原因:收信人域名不在连接的机器上,对方拒绝中继。其实直接来个relay access denied就懂了,赛门铁克的说明也太详细了。
- 上一篇:花生壳DNS不稳定性导致邮件发送的问题 [2016-10-22]
- 下一篇:关于网易企业邮箱使用问题 [2016-10-15]